If you’re not familiar with Telegram, the Chatroom is a group, where everyone can talk. You can ask questions, discuss various topics and report your own findings there.
The Newsroom is a channel, where only admins can post messages. You can find all the recent updates here, so you don’t have to search through all the messages in the Chatroom.
You have created a new ROM, found an interesting thread on XDA or the funniest review ever on YouTube and you’re 100% sure it needs to be on this list? Or you simply found a typo or stupid derp by our noobish maintainers?
The newbie way
Join The Chatroom on Telegram and report your findings there. Consider tagging any (or all) of the maintainers so the message doesn’t get lost.
The pro way
Fork this on GitHub, make your changes to the correct file and submit a pull request.
Credits to Nishith (The Imp) for the idea and initial versions.
Credits to HTML5UP for the website template!